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BioCell Research


The main aim of biomimetic treatments is the modifications of materials surface compositional and morphological properties in order to positively effect the biological tissue response, through proper cells colonisation.


Titanium and titanium alloys, widely used for the manufacturing of orthopaedic prostheses and dental implants, are especially considered in order to enhance their potential as implantable materials. Innovative biomimetic treatments, based on chemical and electrochemical techniques, are studied and developed. A particular anodization technique known as Anodic Spark Deposition or Anodic Spark Discharge (ASD), has been extensively considered: treatments for osseointegration were consequently developed. In the following section is provided an example of a treatment developed to enhance osseointegration of dental and orthopaedic implants. The developed biomimetic treatment provided a thin titanium oxide film, nanoporous, containing Ca and P elements. Further chemical modification treatments were applied to enrich the surface with -OH groups, acting as preferential sites for the precipitation of hydroxyapatite, the main component of the mineral phase of the bone. In vitro studies have demonstrated that such obtained biomimetic film is able to support and to enhance hydroxyapatite deposition as well as osteoblastic cell adhesion and proliferation, significantly superior to untreated titanium. These results strongly suggested that the biomimetic treatment developed could represent a method to enhance osteoblastic cell colonisation and extracellular matrix mineralisation, and finally a durable and strong osseointegration of implants. This specific described treatment was patented by the Politecnico di Milano, and patent was licensed to Nanosurfaces (www.nanosurfaces.it), a spin-off company of Politecnico di Milano.


E. Sandrini, R. Chiesa, G. Rondelli, M. Santin, A. Cigada A NOVEL BIOMIMETIC TREATMENT FOR AN IMPROVED OSTEOINTEGRATION OF TITANIUM Journal of Applied Biomaterials & Biomechanics, 2003; 1: 33-42 E. Sandrini, C. Morris, R. Chiesa, A. Cigada, M. Santin IN VITRO ASSESSMENT OF THE OSTEOINTEGRATIVE POTENTIAL OF A NOVEL MULTIPHASE ANODIC SPARK DEPOSITION COATING FOR ORTHOPAEDIC AND DENTAL IMPLANTS Journal of Biomedical Materials Research, 73B, 2, 392-399 (2005) C. Giordano, R. Chiesa, E. Sandrini, A. Cigada, G. Giavaresi, M. Fini, R. Giardono PHYSICAL AND BIOLOGICAL CHARACTERIZATIONS OF A NOVEL MULTIPHASE ANODIC SPARK DEPOSITION COATING TO ENHANCE IMPLANT OSSEOINTEGRATION Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine, 16 (2005), 1221-1229 C. Giordano, E. Sandrini, V. Busini, R. Chiesa, G. Fumagalli, G. Giavaresi, M. Fini, R. Giardino, A. Cigada A new chemical etching process to improve endosseous implant osseointegration: In vitro evaluation on human osteoblast-like cells The International Journal of Artificial Organs 2006; 29: 772 - 780 EP 1515759 B1 CHIESA ROBERTO (IT); CIGADA ALBERTO (IT); RONDELLI GIANNI (IT); SANDRINI ENRICO (IT); SANTIN MATTEO (GB); MILANO POLITECNICO (IT) AN OSTEOINTEGRATIVE INTERFACE FOR IMPLANTABLE PROSTHESES AND METHOD FOR ITS MANUFACTURE


Roberto Chiesa


Industrial partnership: NanoSurfaces S.r.l., Bio Implant s.r.l.

